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Spring Themed Sensory Activities

Spring Themed Sensory Activities

With spring in the air it's a great opportunity to get your kids outside to enjoy the fresh air and explore the world around them. For those whose children suffer from any kind of sensory processing disorder this can be tricky especially if they have any sensory aversions.

Here at Sensory Smart we have put together some suggestions on what sensory activities you could have a go at and what the benefits can be for them and their condition. Just remember to introduce new activities slowly and be patient with them as they learn what it is they like and dislike. But most of all have some fun as mother nature has so much to offer!


1. Painted Rocks

Write positive affirmations or just paint beautiful art and leave in your local park for others to enjoy. Creating a worry rock pet could also be a useful tool for sharing thoughts with.


2.Natures Paintbrushes

Explore textures of the brushes made of twigs and use the various flower heads and leaves to create paint effects.

This is a great activity for any sensory tactile seeker who crave that stimulation.


3.Bubble Painting

All that is needed is a bubble wand, tubs of soapy water mixed with colours and paper/canvas. Dip the wand in the tubs and blow towards the canvas. Bubbles are very calming for those with autism and when the paintings over they can have fun and pop the bubbles.


4.Mud Kitchen

Mud itself contains a bacteria that helps release serotonin that calms and improves cognitive function. Incorporating tools such as utensils can encourage fine motor skills whilst also allowing them to role play using their imagination.


5.Nature Sensory Bin

Let your young one explore nature by filling a bowl with different things typically found outside like pinecones, flowers, fruit etc and explore their textures, smells, taste and use a magnifying glass to explore the details and try stacking pebbles for fine motor skills.


6.Play Tent

When your child is a sensory avoider, getting them outdoors can be tricky. Set up a tent outside when the sun is too much for them, they can explore the shadows inside or watch the clouds from inside. For auditory avoidance, noise cancelling headphones are ideal. Just be patient by trying different things.

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